Saturday, July 30, 2011

How to collect your 20 free 3DS games

You need to sign on to the eShop with your 3DS before the Aug. 12 price drop kicks in. No Internet? Sorry, you may be out of luck. Once you do, or if you already have, then your system is signed up for the program. I say your system, because the program is tied to the device, not the user. If you were, for instance, to have registered the 3DS and then sold it, you've also essentially sold those 20 free games to whoever buys that system from you.

Now about those games. The release says that those free games will include 10 NES Virtual Console titles, which will later go on sale, and 10 Game Boy Advance Virtual Console games, which won't.

Here is Nintendos official web address to access information about the Ambassador program and free eshop games.

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