Thursday, July 28, 2011


Hello from Phoenix, Arizona. My name is Suzy. I have been intrigued by video games since I was in my mid-twenties when the original Gameboy came out. I immediately was hooked on Tetris, and twenty years later I am still hooked by video games. I have a Wii, Game Boy Advance SP, Nintendo NES, a Nintendo 64, DSi, 3DS, a house full of games and ROM cards (for backup purposes only).

My husband and 14-year-old son are almost as addicted to games as I am. It’s actually an activity that the family can share.

I have spent hours and hours on the internet surfing for information and news blogs regarding the DS and the 3DS. I want to be the first to know release dates for the new games. I am eager to learn opinions from those who play the games.

That is what my blog is about. I want to know what game systems do you own? What are your favorite games? Why are they your favorites? I want you to post on this blog… let me know your secrets to winning games. Let’s all share our information and become the gamers we dream of being.

Let me know what subject you would like to have a forum about. I’m looking forward to hearing from gamers all over the world!

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