Saturday, August 6, 2011

Lest We Forget: The Noble Nintendo DS Lite

With all the talk of the 3DS and its rapid price drop, it’s easy to forget that Nintendo’s previous handheld, the DS, is still a viable option for portable gaming. Though not as sexy as your iPhone or as powerful as its new little brother, the DS line offers many genuinely engaging gaming experiences. Moreover, its own June price drop put the DS Lite at $99.99, making it an attractive option for additional on-the-go entertainment.

Along with this price drop Nintendo also elected to rerelease six first-party titles featuring ever-popular company mascot Mario. Super Mario 64 DS, a launch title that shrunk down the Nintendo 64 classic, still holds up well some seven years after its portable makeover.

More recent fare like 2009’s Mario & Luigi: Bowser’s Inside Story — the third entry in the Mario & Luigi RPG series — and last year’s Lemmings-esque Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Mini-Land Mayhem!, also a sequel, are odd but welcome additions to the lineup. Multiplayer board game-minigame collection Mario Party DS serves as a nice introduction to its own franchise, but all four pale in comparison to true standouts, Mario Kart DS and New Super Mario Bros.

Offering exquisite single player experiences accessible across multiple skill levels, these are fine examples of Nintendo’s mastery of portable game design. And thanks to the multiple DS and 3DS systems in our household, my family has rediscovered the joys of both games’ frantic multiplayer modes.

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