Monday, August 1, 2011

Nintendo: Digital Item Transactions Coming To 3DS, Wii U

Aug. 1, 2011
Nintendo is preparing to bring a paid item transaction system to both its 3DS and Wii U consoles, as a means of allowing developers to extend the life of their releases.

Talking as part of a earnings briefing in Tokyo, and as translated by Andriasang, Nintendo president Satoru Iwata revealed that the new initiative will be available to 3DS developers later this year.

Iwata noted, however, that Nintendo itself will be selective when it comes to providing DLC for its own releases.

He said that the company is interested in providing extra stages and features to its games, but wants to steer away from smaller enhancements such as in-game stat increases for its own games.

The Nintendo boss also mentioned the free-to-play model, again stating that he believes such a system would damage the value of the Nintendo 3DS. He had previously said that Nintendo has "no intention" of implementing the model.

Discussing the StreetPass Mii Plaza, Iwata admittted that, as of yet, there wasn't much to do with this particular feature of the console.

He promised that 3DS will see new features added before the end of the year, while more retail games will make use of the Mii characters.

Overall, Iwata noted that Nintendo is looking to increase its digital presence over the next few years, and wants to establish its online stores as another successful pillar in the company.

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