Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Kirby Mass Attack working on Acekard 2i ak2i

Kirby Mass Atack working on acekard2i. The new loader works great. You just got to follow all the steps to achieve no white screens. FOR ACEKARD 2i MAKE SURE HAS AKAIO 1.8.8 AND THE NEW LOADER (DATE 9-27-2011) THEN PUT THE NEW LOADER INTO THE FOLDER LOADER, MAKE SURE THE AP IS TURN ON.
Here it is step by step.
After you update to 1.8.8 you will still show in the home screen 1.8.7. That is ok. Every ones does that. When you download the AK2/ak2i loader be sure the page loods exactally like the one above if the date is not 9/27/11 you computer is cashing an older page and you will get the wrong update. All you need to do is refresh the page to get the one in the picture. The link is here  . Then put the loader file in the _aio/loaders folder. Before you start the game scroll down to kirby mass attack and press the Y button, press Y for rom settings, scroll down to bypass antipiracy and click right to enable, click on A ok , and again A ok to save. A ok one more time and you ready to play Kirby Mass Attach without 2 white screeds :-)
If you have any problems leave a message as I will be monitoring this page all day.
If this doesnot work you did something wrong. leave me a message and I will try to help. If is works for you please leave a comment. Thanks.

check out the youtube video of it working.


griingolink said...

i tried it and i still got 2 white screens was it a specific kirby mass attack rom

Suzy said...

i got the rom off this site
they should all be the same.
when you go to to your _aio/loaders what is in that folder? and what is the date on the files in that folder? be sure you are not looking in the _aio/ak2loader folder

Anonymous said...

Gutolix said...

I followed the tutorial and ran perfectly. Thanks!